Emsculpt Neo In St.Louis, MO

Emsculpt neo LOGO Rounded neo R Two blue
Emsculpt Neo ICON 25 More muscle ENUS100
Emsculpt Neo ICON 30 minutes ENUS100
Emsculpt Neo ICON 30 Less fat ENUS100 pn

EMSCULPT NEO is the FIRST and ONLY non-invasive body-shaping procedure that provides FAT ELIMINATION, MUSCLE BUILDING, AND SKIN TIGHTENING simultaneous in a combined 30-minute session.

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The #1 treatment for fat elimination and muscle building in the world! EMSCULPT NEO builds off the legacy of its predecessor, EMSCULPT, by simultaneously emitting both radiofrequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energies.

The average result is 30% fat reduction and 25% muscle growth! Best of all, EMSCULPT NEO has broad appeal as it can treat patients up to BMI 35 (sometimes higher)!

Before and After Image of Emsculpt Neo - Female Abdomen
Before and After Image of Emsculpt Neo - Female Buttock


EMSCULPT NEO applicators simultaneously emitting synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies. The radiofrequency heats the muscle temperature, the muscle quickly raises by several degrees. This process prepares muscles for exposure to stress (similar to what a warm-up activity does before any workout). In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e., fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body. Clinical studies show an average of 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat AND 14-20% in visceral fat!

This process bypasses your brain limitations; HIFEM+ energy contracts the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during a voluntary workout (you cannot work your muscles like this working out). In addition, extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt, increasing the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells. Clinical studies* showed, on average, a 25% growth in muscle volume (with only 4 sessions)! WHOA!

Emsculpt Neo PIC Body parts female illus
Emsculpt Neo PIC Body parts male illustr

What to Expect During EMSCULPT NEO

Preparing for Your Treatment:

You can schedule a consultation with Laser Me to learn if EMSCULPT NEO® is right for you and discuss your personalized treatment plan with one of our providers.

During Treatment:

EMSCULPT NEO® is an in-office procedure with no incisions or injections. You will relax as one of our specialists applies the EMSCULPT NEO® device applicator to your targeted area. You may feel muscle contractions, but patients typically find the treatment to be painless. Depending on your needs and goals, we may recommend multiple 30-minute treatments. Optimal treatment plans are typically 4 to 6 treatments, but some patients may need more.


There is no downtime after your treatment. You may feel sore for the next few days following your session, similar to how you would feel after an intense workout. Occasionally, patients experience mild bruising at the treatment area.


Some patients see results within a week of their first treatment. The results continue to appear in the weeks after treatment as the body gradually builds muscle and eliminates destroyed fat cells.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is EMSCULPT NEO weight loss procedure?

EMSCULPT NEO is intended to burn fat and build muscles in the targeted areas. It is a non-invasive body shaping and contouring procedure.

Can EMSCULPT NEO® treat my Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti happens when the rectus abdominis muscles are stretched and separated along the midline. AND YES, there is an average of 19% reduction in Diastasis Recti with Emsculpt Neo Treatments (we typically recommend 6).

What muscle groups does EMSCULPT NEO® contract on my abdominal wall?

Using the HIFEM Energy, EMSCULPT NEO® contracts EVERY muscle group, including the rectus abdominis, the transverse adbominis, and the obliques!

Can’t I get the same results just doing crunches or sit-ups?

One 30-minute treatment with the EMSCULPT NEO® leads to 20,000 contractions of the abdominal wall muscles! So the answer is no. You cannot achieve the same muscle-building process that the Emsculpt Neo can deliver to you in a single session alone (4 treatments are somewhat equivalent to 12-16 weeks of intense workouts)!

Will insurance cover EMSCULPT NEO®?

No, this is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. We do offer a variety of payment options for your convenience.

How much does EMSCULPT NEO® cost?

Your personalized treatment plan will vary in price depending on how many sessions are needed to meet your goals.

What areas can be treated with EMSCULPT NEO®?

EMSCULPT NEO® can treat the abdomen, thighs, glutes. Coming soon: Love handles, inner thighs, arms, and calves!


Contact Us Today

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical correspondence only.


Our Office Location

Office Hours

Monday: 10 AM–2 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM–7 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM–7PM
Thursday: 9 AM–7 PM
Friday: 9 AM–4 PM
Saturday: 9 AM–4 PM
Sunday: Closed

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